Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Make a Set of Washer Boxes

Nearly everyone is familiar with the game of Horseshoes, where 36" iron stakes are placed 40-feet apart and iron horseshoes are thrown at the stakes. It is a common "backyard" game, but one that has drawbacks; namely, it takes a pretty large back yard, and the horseshoes can dig up the grass when they land. Often, the soil must be loosened around the stakes (or a box of sand is placed around the stakes).

Many people don't have access to such a space where they can set up a horseshoe court. For those people, there is a very similar game that can be played outside in a much smaller space, on any surface (including concrete). You could even play indoors inside a gym or a large room (within reason, of course).

In this set of free woodworking plans, we show you how to build a set of washer boxes and show you how to play Washers. The woodworking is very easy, and can be done with very simple woodworking tools. It is a quick project, but one that will bring a lot of fun to your backyard parties without damaging your yard or patio.

Difficulty Level
Woodworking: EasyFinishing: None
Time to Complete
1-2 Hours
Recommended Tools
Compound Miter Saw or Circular SawPower DrillJigsaw
Materials Needed 3 - 2x6 x 8' Treated lumber2 - Pieces of 3/4" A/C Plywood measuring 12" x 48"2 - 2" diameter U-Bolts2 - 1" Key Rings12' - Lightweight chain2-1/2" deck screws1-5/8" deck screws3" diameter fender washers - Three for each playerSpray Paint in various colors to mark each set of washersTape MeasurePencilCompassLayout Square

The Finest Woodworking Plans Are Found By Clicking Here.

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